If you’re looking to add coupons to your product, look no further than MPI Label Systems! We make custom coupons for a wide array of brands. Whether you’re looking to offer a buy one, get one free special on your products or looking to draw attention to a discount available at checkout, MPI Labels can provide you with the perfect coupon designed to increase sales!
These types of coupons fall into our pressure sensitive label products as they feature a full adhesive backing which easily sticks these coupons onto your product. Coupon labels are sometimes referred to as “on-pack promotional labels” and are utilized for a variety of reasons.
Often brands use these coupons to encourage the move of overstocked inventory or to facilitate customers trying a new product; however, they may also be used to soften the blow of a price increase or to launch a new marketing campaign or in respond to competitive pressure.
To learn more about pressure sensitive labels, click here. To speak to a representative about utilizing coupons in your product advertising, click here.